About Us
Our Story
Some Boulder residents recall an early UNA-USA chapter in Boulder which began around 1964 and existed for a few years. John Porritt, who spoke at the chapter’s January 2006 Annual Meeting, as well as Bruce MacKenzie, reminisced about this short-lived chapter.
However, even before a local chapter in Boulder County existed, UN Day celebrations took place in the city of Boulder in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, organized by members of the national organization, UNA-USA, the League of Women Voters, and other concerned citizens. Maxine Hitchcock, Cathy Wrenn, and Bruce MacKenzie were among the leaders of these efforts.
At UN’s 40th birthday celebration in 1985 Susan Markham, a New Zealander working in the UN Public Information Agency, spoke on the Decade for Women, the International Youth Year, and other issues. In 1986 the Daily Camera in Boulder reported that the UN Day celebration featured Dr. Francis Bretherton, from NCAR, speaking on “Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.”
The Boulder County Chapter was most recently reformed in the mid-1990s at the suggestion of Prof. Ved Nanda of the University of Denver, then president of the Colorado Division of UNA-USA. Preparatory meetings in 1995 led to the identification of officers and directors, and the adoption of bylaws.
The first board meeting took place in 1996. In 2003 the chapter acquired financial stability when the group Gatekeepers to the Future, a nonprofit associated with First Congregational Church of Boulder, ceased operations and gave the chapter their remaining funds.
The Boulder County Chapter, like other levels of UNA-USA, combines broad grass-roots outreach with high-level policy studies involving scholars and government officials from many parts of the world, Chapter members provide information and educational materials to their representatives in the US government, the general public, and to the media.

Our Mission
UNA-BC’’s mission is to support the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals through community grassroots action and leadership. UNA-BC believes in and advocates for the work of the UN through a combination of community education and direct policy advocacy.
A message from
Our President
As a social worker and community activist, justice and equity have always been incredibly important values to me. I am honored and humbled to be able to bring continue promoting those values through my work at UNA-BC.
I began my journey at UNA-BC as an intern in the concentration year of my Masters program. I worked alongside a diverse group of fellow change makers and people passionate about human rights.
The following year, after graduation, I felt compelled by the work I’d been doing in the community to stay on and help guide a brand new class of interns.
I stepped into the role of Vice President and helped with organizational management and developing the vision and mission of the next generation of UNA-BC leaders.
Under the guidance of past UNA-BC Presidents: Kelly McGinnis, long-time President and UNA powerhouse Robert McNown, and UNA-USA Regional Representative Amy Bryant, I helped to further guide and shape the organization.
Today I am proud to have stepped into the President role with the help of the Vice President of Organizational Development, Jess Kaehn and the Vice President of Organizational Engagement, Jessie Torres.
Together, along with our incredible board of diverse and talented individuals we represent the values of the United Nations here in Boulder and it’s goal of peace and prosperity for all.
Amy Van Roo
UNA-Boulder President
Executive Leadership Team
Amy Van Roo
Jessie Torres
Vice President of Organizational Engagement
Robert McNown
Past President and Treasurer
Amy Bryant
Rocky Mountain Regional Representative
Jess Kaehn
Masters of Social Work
MSU Denver
Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 SemestersI choose to participate as an intern with the United Nations - Boulder Chapter because I am interested in international and macro social work. I also specialize in studying human trafficking and I want to bring more awareness to the topic. I have had a great opportunity to be a co-chair of the International Committee and have enjoyed leaning into a leadership role in a new space. I have learned I am a strong leader by leading my example, pulling out the strengths of our committee members, and communicating the needs accurately. Some activities I partook in while in my internship: planning and attending UN Day, Sponsorship of a refugee family, produced a human trafficking training, participated in committee meetings, lead international committee meetings, and will be hosting the Internship Appreciation Event.
Jessie Torres
Masters of Social Work
University of DenverI am specializing in Ecological Justice and pursuing a certificate in global social work. I started my internship with the United Nations Association Boulder County in August of 2023, and it allowed me to engage with the community through many different avenues. My time at the UNA-BC allowed me to develop leadership and communication skills through Chairing the Sustainability Committee. Through these opportunities, I engaged in facilitating volunteer events, producing educational presentations, participating in community research, while developing a better overall relationship with the community.
Jaasiel Plascencia
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Journalism & Mass Communications
Spring Semester 2024I pursued an internship opportunity at the United Nations Association of Boulder County because I admire and respect their unique mission to make a better world starting by making a better community. The organization gave me the opportunity to be part of a variety of projects and committees that allowed me to contribute with my knowledge and ideas as a journalist. The people behind this organization are welcoming, supporting, and dedicated to help the community.

Want to join our team?
We offer internships, volunteering options, sponsorship opportunities and more.