Education Committee

Our Mission:

To increase our community’s awareness and understanding of contemporary global and societal issues, with a particular interest in the structure and policies of the United Nations and its various agencies.

The Education Committee supports its mission through lecture and discussion programs, participation in and support of UNA-BC educational programs, and collaborations with organizations that share our goals, such as Model UN. This includes a monthly discussion series that we host at the Boulder Public Library, when we invite an expert on world affairs to present on a topic within their interest and expertise, followed by questions and discussion from community participants. We have also contributed to special UNA-BC events, such as UN Day, helping to arrange for speakers and film programs that support our mission. We have worked with local high school Model UN organizations, participating in their conferences as judges. 

A future initiative of the Education Committee is to expand the scope of our Model UN activities, building on the program developed by Co-Chair Len Baldwin at Ohio State University. Here is a brief summary of that program:

The Model United Nations/Internship is an educational program which uses Creative Problem Solving,  Higher Level Thinking Skills,  and  In-depth Research  as a springboard for collaboration through real world experiences with communities. The program is designed to enhance and enrich each student’s knowledge base in the following areas:  A. Cultural Awareness,  B. Historical Implications  and functions of the United Nations today and in the future,  and  C. Comparative Issues facing countries around the world with regard to philosophical,  economical,  and governmental structures.


2024 Meetings of the Bill Kellogg UNA-BC Discussion Series

January 31
Gordon Gamm, lawyer and author, on “Secular Humanism”

February 27
Megan Shannon, Associate Professor of Political Science, CU Boulder, on "UN Peacekeeping in the Midst of War,"

March 20
Reed Chervin, Faculty Affiliate at the Center for Asian Studies, CU Boulder, on “The Cold War in the Himalayas: Multinational Perspectives on the Sino-Indian Border Conflict, 1950-1970.”

April 9
1:30 at the Boulder Public Library
Dr. Gene Bolles will lead a discussion on the “Geopolitical Challenges of Humanitarian Projects in the Developing World.”

We are serving as judges at an upcoming Model UN conference

 Saturday, April 13 - 8 AM to 2:30 PM at Erie High School.

This conference is hosted by the Model UN organizations at Boulder High School, Skyline High School, and Erie High School. Others interested in serving as judges please contact Robert McNown at

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